Statement Of Faith

  • 1.We believe that we are always under a higher authority, that of God, and as a result, our conduct and business must be done with integrity and accountability.

  • 2.We believe in the value of all life and the need to improve its quality for all humans as well as the giving of necessary opportunity to all for the improvement of personal dignity.

  • 3.We believe that serving others is the way to greatness in the eyes of our creator, God the father, and that it further provides opportunities to share the reason of hope that is in us with most receivers of our service.

  • 4.Every human being has eternal worth, and is of great value in the sight of God. Human life should be valued and people in need still deserve respect and honour. Every individual deserves love and care whether rich, poor, great or small.

  • 5.We value our Christian heritage derived from the inspired word of God-the Bible and transmitting to the younger generation.

  • 6.We believe that faith without work is dead, and that the inverse is also true; works without faith is dead and both are relevant and complementary. This core belief drives our desire and compassion to serve the poor and needy (Helpless widows, fatherless children, orphans and those wasting away in obscure rural communities.

  • 7.We also believe that we are ″what we are’’ only by the grace of God, and therefore will not give room for any strife with anybody.

  • 8.We know that a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ will usually bring about a change in the depths of one’s heart. This change accelerates a desire to want to touch other lives for good. Thus, our core belief in the value & dignity of all men, whether rich or poor, small or big, full or hungry, smart or daft, constrains us to continue to take bigger strides in our jobs at LIVO, thus we dedicate ourselves to selfless service to many.